מתכת קובלט כרום תוצרת שוויץ

Co  =  63%

Cr  =  22%

Mo  =  8%

Si  =  7%

הוראות עבודה:

Dental alloy for ceramic Cr and Co based.Absoloutely free from Nickel and Beryllium

This is a Cr-Co alloy for dntal use,Absolutely free from Nickel and Beryllium is perfectly bio-compatible with ceramics .By the use of this alloy it is obtained an optimal casting of great fluency.Easiness of working and the physical-chemical bond with dental ceramics today on the market are exceptional.Perfect corrosion resistance and high-quality soldering,Compared with BIOMATE K BEST.It introsuces greater Vickers hardness and support heavier yiels strength.Compared with BIOMAT K BEST,oxidation is lighter


Melting range:1.310-1330C

Casting temparture:1450C

Linear thermal expansion coefficient 20-600:14,5

Density: 8,8 gcm3

Ultimate tensile strength R: 700 MPa

Yield strengthRp 0,2 %:580 MPa

Elasticity or young's modulus E:210 GPa

Percantage elongation A %:8 % percrnt

Vickers Hardness HV 30:300